1 min read

HOWTO: Install Ubuntu Linux in 2 steps

With full credit going to The Central West End Linux Users Group (CWE-LUG), here’s a TWO STEP way to install a base Ubuntu Linux on a computer.

For a minimal install using the CD and a kickstart file on the net

  1. insert the Ubuntu 5.10 CD into the CD-ROM, then choose either step 2 or 3

  2. For a minimal/server install, at the boot prompt, type:

<code>server ks=http://cwelug.org/~rwcitek/ubuntu/ks.cfg</code>
  1. Or, for a full/desktop install, replace “server” with “linux”:
<code>linux ks=http://cwelug.org/~rwcitek/ubuntu/ks.cfg</code>